Photography Project #43-#49

I bought a new 50mm lens for my Canon D1200, also known as the “nifty 50” and portrait lens. I hesitated getting one because I wanted to first get to know my basic kit lens and camera, but I gave in to temptation. The effects are remarkably different.


Can you spot the bee? I used shutter speed priority to try to capture this, but I guess the bees were flying too quickly.IMG_3170

I was helping M get a new lens for his camera as the other one broke, and ended up trying out the 50mm lens for my own camera and caving in. IMG_3164

This is the “red lips” plant, on my Singapore walk finding local edibles with GOS, I learnt about these red lips leaves. They can be steeped in hot water for a tisane or used in cocktails. I have usually seen them in bushes of green leaves peppered with red leaves, but it’s the first time I see them growing out from tiny branches in red. IMG_3172

Testing depths of field with the side walk flowers. I love Singapore for this – it’s full of greens. 💚 Something I used to take for granted.


Chasing my own reflections.


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