In my over 4 years away, I have never been homesick, but it’s starting to get to me these days and I am watching more Singapore satire! I think Singapore has brilliant talents in the theatre scene and this really made me miss going to the theatre back home, having a laugh at our own homegrown jokes that anyone who’s never lived there would ever understand.
Michelle Chong is brilliant in this episode.
At brunch today, I was talking to a Singaporean friend about how the dethroned Miss Universe Ris Low has become a buzz word in our generation. She even has thousands of fans on a facebook fanpage in a outcry to denounce her throne (who was the eventual Miss Universe that represented the country, nobody seems to know!). What have we learnt from this viral new media campaign? That, I still have to investigate, but definitely one of the iconic people in Singapore in the 2000s. I have to admit I find her very entertaining and amusing as she sincerely and shamelessly speaks from her heart, even if a little cringe worthy.
Here is something funny by Mr Brown, a site I don’t visit enough, but the content always instantly connects me to home.