Hong Kong Art: Osage Gallery Kwun Tung

I went out to Kwun Tung with the art meetup group, to check out a group show at Osage gallery based out in the industrial area. There, they have the luxury of space I never imagined possible in exorbitant per sqf Hong Kong and reminds me fondly of the bauhaus galleries of Beijing’s 798.

I’ve always been a fan of the exhibitions in Osage Central, there is always a series of well curated conceptual shows, if sometimes a little too abstract but fits a contemporary vibe.

osage hong kong adrian wong

This collective show is diverse, if a little disjointed. Headlining the exhibit is American Chinese Adrian Wong’s “Troglodyte See The Light,” featuring a three part exhibition, a hypothetical creative and emotive narrative by Helen Keller, a portrait series that revisits typical old school family portraits complete with tacky backgrounds and poses that we’ve all embarrassingly took at some point in our lives. A centre piece was a 5 act play enacted by furry puppets exploring our manners of speech with our pets, Wong transcribed over 500 hours of pet/owner conversations—it’s close to something straight out of a Beckett play.

osage gallery hk
The other shows include another collective show “No Longer Human” by artists Nadim Abbas, Erkka Nissinen and Magdalen Wong, showcasing their existential interpretations of contemporary society, including an interactive multiple part narrative based on André Malraux’s La Condition Humaine.
lee kit hong kong

osage gallery hong kong lee kit

Finally there’s a cosy studio set up with hand painted table cloths, towels and paintings by prolific local artist Lee Kit called “How to set up a room for Johnny.” a piece named after the New Order track 1963.

Osage Kwun Tong
5/F, Kian Dai Industrial Building,
73-75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2793-4817
Mon-Sun and Public Holidays : 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

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