I forgot how much I missed fiction and how much fiction I was reading a decade ago before work took priorities, but it’s been really good picking up fiction books at the library again. You never really know what you’re going to end up with.
I thought The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani would fall into the same category of The Book Thief, The Time Traveller’s Wife etc, and it somewhat did and was a good read. Having lived in Northern Italy and have friends from Bergamo and the book’s plot and context triggered memories – familiar places. Even though it was set in the 19th century with plenty of Italian migrants moving abroad to find work and a new life in New York City, I remember lots of stories from a good friend Annalisa Merelli who is from Bergamo and whose own granddad was one of those that went to NYC in search of a better life and was a tailor.
Anyhow, here is a book of migration, family life, love and fate and everything in between about going the distance and becoming your new self as you grow when you relocate from what you knew as home to building and finding your identity in another place – which so many of us nomadic professionals or trailing spouses are so accustomed to.
I’d definitely recommend it.