I picked up Rainbow Rowell’s book based on the review at the back of the book, but it was a pretty boring read and too literally about a landline that connected the protagonist between past and present and went no where.
I had thought it’d be interesting rewinding dating pre mobile era and present day with mobile phones – there was none of that frisson of dating, depth of memories and awkward dating moments – it wasn’t written very well. It failed to evoke any sense of nostalgia for me and fell very flat with trying too hard – abit like reading an essay from a teenager.
There was no climax no denouement, this book pretty much should not have been written for the sake of it. There was no point in writing this at all as the plot didn’t make sense.
I wouldn’t recommend it, even though it’s got good reviews. I just realised she’s famous for writing young adult fiction, maybe that explains why I could not relate to any of the simplistic and very boring straight laced “want to create magic” sort of plot.