I’ve been meditating more often and regularly these days as I prepare for a 10 day Vipassana retreat in May. I find guided meditations much easier to follow than sitting silently with my own thoughts.
Here at Hoca Foundation Hong Kong, the Seoul/Berlin-based artist Jeongmoon Choi incorporates a 30 minutes guided meditation sitting under her beautiful installation of threads under UV lights. The objective of her works is to examine and question the dichotomy of being mindful of spatial awareness, taking in the visual aesthetics and exploring the “multiple perspectives and opposing forces in contemporary life.”
I felt the meditation ended a little abruptly as the artist left the room without any transitional notice and we’re left with ourselves and the soothing sound recordings of a Tibetan gong. Perhaps that was the whole purpose of the abruptness and feeling of an unguided end to the meditation, to be distracted by the visual display of geometric lines glowing under the UV light.
Double vision by Jeongmoon Choi. I love the ethereal effect of this tromp l’oeil piece of carefully strung and layered threads, coloured with lines of black ink at intervals, aiming to explore dichotomies of “light and dark(ness), line and space, analogue and digital.”
The last guided meditation is on tomorrow Thursday 19 April, 2018. You can get your tickets here, 100HKD.