New Discoveries

As I was putting together the new communication materials for chef Marino’s mother’s visit to cook with him in the kitchen, I was going mad with my colleague wondering what the hell was guitar spaghetti (spaghetti alla chitara) and laughing about it, pondering how on earth could we explain that in Chinese to our target audience.

After some investigation, I found that there was a pasta cutter shaped like a guitar!! And another amazing food blog to oooggle over.

Image via fxcuisine

While looking for the guitar spaghetti, I found the bigolaro that makes the largest type of pasta.

And if you’re as obsessive about all things food as me, you might find this Dutch Designer’s work interesting. I wish I was better equipped with design talents like Marije Vogelzang, so I can make cool projects instead of just writing about them. She also has a book entitled Eat Love which looks interesting.


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