Reading: Dying to be me


A few friends recommended “Dying to be me” and I was a little skeptical at first, but ended up being drawn to the messages that Anita Moorjani shared about life after being cured from terminal cancer, returning from the other realm during a coma when her organs were shutting down.


It wasn’t just because of getting through cancer treatment and experiencing purgatory on earth that I found the messages relatable, but the way of living life like a meditation instead of making time for meditation makes so much sense. And the higher consciousness about having nothing to “let go” and “forgive”. Katie Byron and Adhyashanti explores the very same messages on life and living.

While it was poorly edited with grammar mistakes and typos, the content is pretty uplifting. Moorjani doesn’t advocate any ideology, religion or dogma on living your life. Moorjani grew up with plenty of cultural baggage that plagues most of us growing up in a Asian family… and the nagging feeling of never feeling good enough.

“It’s about allowing what I am actually feeling rather than fighting against it. The very act of permitting without judgement is an act of self-love. This act of kindness toward myself goes much further in creating a joyful life than falsely pretending to feel optimistic.”

Society imposes all these ways to be positive and optimistic and the very simplistic view of positive thoughts attract positive things, making us stuff our feelings of discomfort or negativity. The same concept with meditation where we acknowledge the thoughts and feelings as they pass, instead of denying them.

I found this video quite helpful – about making life a meditation as opposed to making time to meditate and get back to rush hour.

For what it’s worth, give Dying to be Me a read. I’ve since signed up for her newsletters and have enjoyed her videos and meditation. All the good energy and positive work.

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