Food Play

I am not a fan of macaroons but I always love how beautiful they look and how much prettier they look in pretty packaging. Theurel & Thomas is Mexico’s first macaroon patisserie with a very neat branding campaign done by Anagram. Everything is très chic, clean and simple, letting the macaroons as beautiful as costume jewellery speak for themselves.


Via Play me design

While trawling the web, I also found this amazing little tea set with feet by Dutch designer Jorine, timely with the not so recent release of Alice in Wonderland.




Another brilliant and simple concept called “Don’t play with your food” by Singaporean designer/artist Dawn Ng.

And then, “Augmented reality cookies” which is an amazing look into food projects of the future by designer Mike Clare.

The dough is rolled out and made into long square stripes that can be stacked into the desired configuration. once all the dough is stacked it can be cut into slices and backed. the final cookies come out of the over ready to eat. however once viewed through a digital camera they have a completely new life as AR markers.

Demo of Augmented Reality Cookies from Tellart on Vimeo.

Via Design boom

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