Travel in Transit: And A Thai Wedding

bangkok grand hyatt wedding

I was home in Singapore a few weeks ago, then set off for Bangkok to be traditional Thai wedding bridesmaid at a Thai wedding – one of my best friend’s wedding, Prima a Thai ice cream designer of Icedea in Bangkok, I turned 31 last week, took the host of Port D’attache on a local Hong Kong food crawl for TV5 en asie and the day after had the luxury to come up to Beijing for work.

Tonkatsu ice cream

bangkok icedea tonkatsu icecream

I am really fortunate and blessed to have great friends from all over the world that I could call at any time, and pick up the conversation where we left off.

Some amazing and exciting days in Beijing. Always good to be back.

the opposite house beijing winter snow

Woke up on Sunday to a sunny Beijing with a light blanket of snow.

beijing bookworm literary festival

Workwise, busy is always good, I just wish we had more hours in a day. Oh, and a shameless plug for myself, a recent “day in the life” instagram feature on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong.

Friends who read the blog and I have been so poor with emails, I’m still alive and trying to catch up with myself. More updates soon and sooooo many photos.

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