Photography project #71-#77: Capturing Life A Day At A Time

Fallen quite far behind the weekly updates. A little disappointed about my photos as they don’t seem to be getting better despite my commitment to this photography project. An additional struggle is the pain management in my arm post surgery which has been acting up and my arm unknowingly shakes which makes for blurry photos. 😢

I love silhouettes. Here’s one from our living room.


Happiness is a puppy running free in the countryside.IMG_3786

Festive minimalism.IMG_3841 IMG_3757

Keyhole photography always look so charming – obviously mine isn’t that great. I took at least 20 shots to select this one!IMG_3693

Original Statue of Liberty in Arts et Metiers museum.IMG_3715


I bought this plant at the flower market for 10HKD and the lady was so dismissive about this plant dies easily hence the price. I love how they look like little orange segments!

I’ve been away for three weeks and my friend watered it every couple of days, it’s still blooming and alive!

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