Floating in a tub with a high concentration of epson salt was trendy over a decade ago and Float On Hong Kong must be doing something right as they have survived a very competitive market through Covid and all the ups and downs.
Epsom salt baths – floating in 10 inches of water with 500kg of Epsom salts. have become popular in the last decade both in spas and wellness. Containing magnesium sulfate, which has been proven to provide health benefits in baths, relieve muscle aches and reduce stress, it’s said to also promote better sleep.
I had wanted to try it out years ago but never got round to it and this time, went for 4 float sessions – the first was anxiety inducing because of my claustrophobia and being trapped in a confined space reminds me of being the PET/MRI/CT scan machines and I had several panic attacks. I did mine with music which was a form of distraction from my own thoughts.
One of the things I wanted to do was to overcome this – practising Vipassana – noticing the unpleasant feelings and fears arise and letting it pass, practising mindful breathing. Ciaran the founder was very helpful with breathing tips and techniques and completely non-judgemental about the whole process.
Every float feels entirely different and depends on how you slept, what’s your frame of mind for the days. I think it was a great experience, but at this junction I’m not sure if it’s something that I would do regularly.
Float On also offers cold plunges – another wellness trend the last 5 years and breathing/meditation workshops with visiting practitioners.