I am so out of touch with the blog, the site has been blocked for the last month or so. I got a new computer, transferring files, losing things, finding things, getting my VPN and loads to catch up on. I went to Xian over New year’s to investigate the history of noodles and see fabled terracota warriors (posts to come), and then after to HK to see my baby nephew and best friends, which involved lots of delicious dimsum, wanton noodles, soups, and too much to drink.
Just stumbled upon this and am gearing up to check out the chocolate theme park at the end of the month!
As with living in a country that prides itself on the “largest anything and everything”, this sounds as gimmicky as it can get, but I’m sure it’s going to be some fun and very different from the chocolate carving festivals I’ve been to in Italy.