Bakery Elysée Macau

boulangerie elysee macau

Bakery Elysee is Macau’s latest boulangerie addition with great new openings and has the locals lining up for freshly baked bread and patisserie. Run by a French baker and investors, the offerings here run the gamut from macarons, cakes, éclairs to breads and this month the Galette des rois “King Cake” with frangipane.

elysee macau

Slim pickings in Macau – I know I’m always using this term to describe our little village, but it’s hard to get good bread or pastries outside of the casino hotels. The Portuguese Bakery does freshly baked artisanal breads and even delivers! As for French patisserie, croissants and the likes, I haven’t yet found a place, so Bakery Elysée is a great new addition to our growing dining scene to fill the gaps for expats living in Macau. I’ve been spoilt so I’ll pass on the cakes and éclairs, but definitely coming back for the breads and pastries.

macau bakery elysee
bakery elysee macau patisserie
bakery elysee macau
galette des rois bakery elysee macau
galette des rois macau

Great branding, great vibe and a lovely new addition to Macau.

A friend brought me their galette last week – this has to be ordered a day in advance – and it was delicious. I still prefer the one with prunes that we order from the new defunct City Café @ City of Dreams, but this independent bakery is our next best thing and for a fraction of the price at 168MOP. The one we order from City of Dreams is 400MOP if I remember right.

Anyhow, I think independent places like these need and deserve all our support because they are seeking to shake up the scene and change things for our otherwise pretty monotonous daily life.

Bakery Elysée

Rua de Pedro Coutinho 52B (if you’re on the side of Macdonald’s on Horta Costa where Red Market is, make a left up that street, it’s right next to a 7-11)


Macao, China
Tel: 2852 7763

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