You’ve probably read loads of articles on the best to see and the best curated list to get through in four days. Here’s my humble take on my own personal favourites. I didn’t take as many photos because I wanted to focus on the art, rather than living the experience behind my illuminated screens. Here are a couple of my favourites from the Art Basel Hong Kong 2015 and many from artists that I knew and loved represented by Beijing galleries. It felt like there was much less to get through this year, but I felt more fulfilled and inspired – part of being mindful – enjoying and appreciating the moment rather than beat the crowd with trying to get a photo better than others.
I’ll leave it to the pros to document the amazing pieces. That taxidermy deer with branches for antlers by Korean artist Myeongbeom Kim. A Harry Potter Patronus charm moment, isn’t it?
Well, feels like my favourite piece is also that of many. My tumblr image I uploaded on Tuesday has gone viral on Tumblr. 3500 likes and reposts and counting.
Here we have in the Encounters section of the fair, Dane Mitchell’s Fourfold threshold. It reads : A spell is cast here on the paper in hand.
A trompe l’oeil piece real and amazing mirror illusions.
And then Yang Maoyuan’s giant bulbous animals that remind me of what happened to the bubble bum girl who inflated into a blueberry in Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that I saw at Pace Beijing in 2010.
Then there’s John Baldessari’s Beethovan’s trumpet Opus #133 that made me giggle.
And then some room for narcissistic selfies.
Jeddah artist represent:
And I was captivated by how Chinese artist Liang Shuo turned the 1950s Chinese restaurant dividers into beautiful illustrations of art deco buildings, at the top of the knob is his own head. This piece is called “I am fucking beautiful no.4”. Warped but beautiful.
The rest of the photos I took here:
Created with flickr slideshow.